Craving still lingering, I took stock of what I had in the fridge from our recent CSA box. Green peppers, mango, zucchini, onions up the yin-yang. No meat...Quinoa...ok. I got the rest of what I needed from Safeway and started cooking. To be a little "healthier" I made quinoa instead of jasmine rice, easy substitution packed with protein. Brown rice annoys me anyway so forget it. My Olympic-inspired health kick made me buy low fat coconut milk but I told myself it was ok since it had no extra ingredients. (Remember my definition of healthy = no additives or weird man-made ingredients) You can really alter this easy curry recipe to your tastes and what is in your fridge. I highly recommend adding a juicy fruit to curry, whether it's mango, pineapple, or any type of peach/nectarine variety. It adds a sweetness to the spice of the cayenne. Curry recipes usually call for brown sugar but no need since you added fruit. If you need more spice, add some chilies.
Curry for Champions
Step 1: get that quinoa going while the chicken is cooking in a little bit of olive oil and a toss of onion

1 sliced onion
1 diced mango (it was a gamble but soooo good)
1 sliced zucchini
Saute these with a little olive oil, toss in some chopped garlic
Step 3: Add some curry and cayenne to the chicken and the veggies
Step 4: Slowly add the whole can of coconut milk to veggies and add as much curry as you want, taste as you go, and don't let it boil too much
Step 5: Serve it all up!
*I didn't cook the chicken all the way through so I tossed some navy beans into my curry and OMG it was an amazingly good accident. Cooking well should be easy and full of substitutions. Enjoy!